Create a Manifest Altar

Do you know what an altar is?
an elevated place or structure, as a mound or platform, at which religious rites are performed or onwhich sacrifices are offered to gods, ancestors, etc. - 
Altars have been used for thousands of years as a way to perform a ritual or religious ceremony.

Today I want to talk to you about how you can create your own Manifestation Altars to help you gain clarity and incorporate a lot of positive energy and vibration into the universe towards your desires.

I found a few posts on the topics of modern day altars, and I think you'll love visual references so that you can create your own!

This image comes from: Laura Michelle at Roots & Feathers

I found this image on Pinterest here and I love how she made the space small enough to fit in a tiny area but focused enough that she can still manifest her desires, the altar belongs to Rachael Rice:
In fact, I found a lot of these altar images on Pinterest, which is a great source to get inspired visually!
This altar was created and pinned by Luckie Daniels
She says, "Oshun Meditation Altar for light, prosperity, clarity & manifesting dreams..."

And I love how the one below uses Native American elements plus "rubbing" or "cleansing" sage to help prepare for a new year via Earth Age!

Have you ever wanted to create an altar before?  Have these images inspired you to create your own?  Tell us how you chose to create your altar below!


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