I took a break from Manifesting... and it wasn't a disaster!

If you live in a house with a school aged child or children like we do, it feels like the end of the year for us is always the beginning of June.  But during the month of May I typically go into shut-down mode.  My friends have a hard time finding me, I back off using electronics, even Facebook takes a back seat and I focus on ending the school year successfully.

It is also at this time that I'm tired.  It has been go go go most of the school year and not only is my daughter a teen in high school, but my husband is a busy science and math teacher.

When May comes and June follows, I don't just pull away from people and things I also pull away from thoughts and desires.  At first I felt a little uneasy with the idea of "forgetting" what I was working hard toward manifesting.  But in time, I have found that old sayings aren't only true but they apply to a lot of things in our lives.

A watched pot won't boil.  Watching the clock makes the day longer.  These sayings can play a part in our manifesting as well.  If we focus too hard on what we are desiring it could mean that if feels like it will never happen!  Our attention is focused too much on the "idea".

If you feel like you've been in a manifesting workout and your brain is cloudy, here are some tips you can use to ease your frustrations and continue to guide you through manifesting your desires.

1. Take a break, but be in a good vibration.
Believe it or not, even though I wasn't focused on my desires manifesting, I believe that because of a combination of good vibrations and initial loving communication to the universe about my desires had been made, that being able to let go and let the universe do it's job still got me to where I wanted to be.

2. Realize that manifestations sometimes happen in steps according to where your life is today.
I haven't met one person who didn't ask the universe for help with finances, be it to decrease debt or increase income.  If you are that person, so nice to meet you!  We shouldn't expect that our requests will be fulfilled immediately nor in the exact amount that we are hoping for in one day, though I know of some unique cases this has happened - it isn't impossible.  It is important to recognize small positive increases (or decreases) and to ensure that we keep those vibrations good and healthy during those times.  The best way to keep it flowing?  Gratitude.  If you haven't practiced this in a while, get back to it soon and your life will be the better for it.  Note: Sometimes when we ask for decrease of debt or increase of income, they come from places we never thought of before and not necessarily a relative leaving us money, a raise in our pay, or a new law that automatically lowers our debt.  Sometimes the small act of someone making us dinner so we can save $10 is part of that process.  Gratitude will help it grow exponentially.

3. Actions speak louder than words.
If actions are yelling and boasting to the universe what we are desiring and our thoughts manifest our desires (good and bad), then combining the two should create a Tsunami of help.  If you are trying to find the love of your life or your dream house, thinking about it and vision boarding it are wonderful ways to begin your search.  But make sure you are active in your quest.  Good vibrations add more energy to your requests.  If you are looking for your soulmate, then feel how you want to feel when you are with your soulmate and do the things that will make you feel that way.  An example of this is to take yourself on romantic picnics in places that you would go to with your soulmate.  It isn't cheesy, it's wonderful.  I love going to the local University gardens for a picnic and when I'm there I feel alive.  That feeling resonates and vibrates with me and around me and lifts the spirits of everything around me.  Asking for a house and then not doing anything to get the house can be defeating.  Are you researching loans and empowering yourself through education?  Don't ever assume anything, like you aren't good enough.  My husband and I were turned down twice by two different institutions after having short-saled our home.  But because I wouldn't give up and I believed that we were worthy of a home and each no wasn't a door closed in our face but the opportunity to find another one to open.  Because of this, I wasn't afraid to ask our Credit Union.  They were happy to say yes.  And it has been nothing short of pleasant since.  Alternatively, if you've got the loan approved but no home lined up yet.  Start packing!  Downsize!  Clear your clutter!  Do everything to get ready for a move, even if it isn't going to happen just yet.

Manifesting Visual Aids

Manifesting with Visual Aids

Have you ever created a vision board?  I tried one time.  It didn't end well.

While I am one of the most creative people I know, I have a hard time with chaos.  I live in chaos daily in my home and my mind and will be perpetually learning how to calm my mind and purge my home.

But, and perhaps this is a little OCD, I am a fan of organized order.  I like things that agree with one another to be in alignment.  I've done this since I was a child, no one else I knew organized this way.  Then I saw Tom Sachs do it in a Selby documentary, he called it Knolling.  I fell in love.

I am a hardcore fan of Danielle Laporte's The Desire Map.  Well to be honest, Danielle.  If I could be a groupie in her world, I would.  Through the Desire Map, I was able to craft out Core Desired Feelings that I use to manifest.

In the above mood board I don't want to manifest things, I want to manifest the feeling of Divine Feminine.  And the moodboard visually represents to me what that means.  The crux of it is that I want order, beauty, and passion.

Now I want to know if you have ever attempted manifesting with visual aids?  Did you use a vision board?  An Altar? What visual methods do you use to focus your intentions on your desires?  Leave your answers in the comments below.

One little-known way to Manifest everything you ever wanted

One little-known way to Manifest everything you ever wanted.


Believe in yourself.

In times of crisis many people turn to a deity hoping for a quick and resolute action.  For those who have a strong hold on their faith turn to their beliefs and push more focus and attention on them.

Often times, moments of crisis are opportunities to dig your feet deeper into your beliefs and show compassion toward yourself.

Recently, my husband and I found that we were going to have to pay federal taxes.  In all my time on this planet, I have never once had to pay.  Before we submitted our paperwork (and our credit card) I took a deep breath and told myself to wait.  For a few days I put myself in a state of calm and visualized that I found an error on our taxes.

Today, as I reviewed our taxes with a fresh mind.  I proclaimed to myself, "I am grateful that we have the money to pay our taxes."

Guess what happened.  I found our mistake.  And instead of owing hundreds of dollars, we owe $8. 

Regardless if I had found the mistake or not, we would have paid and we would have been fine with it.  Because we had the money and we knew it was the right thing to do.

Have you ever been in a situation where you weren't sure if you were going to come out 'OK'?  Have you found that when you strengthen your bond with your beliefs that the crisis was averted?  Share your answers below.

Create a Manifest Altar

Do you know what an altar is?
an elevated place or structure, as a mound or platform, at which religious rites are performed or onwhich sacrifices are offered to gods, ancestors, etc. - dictionary.com 
Altars have been used for thousands of years as a way to perform a ritual or religious ceremony.

Today I want to talk to you about how you can create your own Manifestation Altars to help you gain clarity and incorporate a lot of positive energy and vibration into the universe towards your desires.

I found a few posts on the topics of modern day altars, and I think you'll love visual references so that you can create your own!

This image comes from: Laura Michelle at Roots & Feathers

I found this image on Pinterest here and I love how she made the space small enough to fit in a tiny area but focused enough that she can still manifest her desires, the altar belongs to Rachael Rice:
In fact, I found a lot of these altar images on Pinterest, which is a great source to get inspired visually!
This altar was created and pinned by Luckie Daniels
She says, "Oshun Meditation Altar for light, prosperity, clarity & manifesting dreams..."

And I love how the one below uses Native American elements plus "rubbing" or "cleansing" sage to help prepare for a new year via Earth Age!

Have you ever wanted to create an altar before?  Have these images inspired you to create your own?  Tell us how you chose to create your altar below!

How to Attract Money Fast

Hey there manifest-makers,

I was talking to a friend of mine about money, you know how there never seems to be enough.  And I pointed out to her that our attitude towards money is exactly why some people have it and some people don't.

I found this great video on cleaning up money beliefs and love it!  I love the blog author and have read both of her books she's written, (an ebook + an amazon book).

The blog post is entitled, Ready to Start Clearing Your Money Beliefs Today? In this post, Denise Duffield-Thomas talks about:

  • What to do when it seems like nothing is happening (no matter what you do)
  • How to handle the unexpected things that come up
  • When to clean and clear your money stuff
I'm going to go ahead and show the video here, but please check out the full post to read the transcript.  Before you go, what did you learn from this video?  Have you had to clean up your money beliefs lately?  What have you gained?