Hey there,
I just came across a great article about manifesting your desires.
In this article, Simona Rich talks about
Our Blocks to Manifesting
The Wrong Way to Manifest
Manifesting FAILS
Simple and Easy Process to Manifest Your Hearts Desires
Manifesting Your Desires Synopsis
Manifesting Blocks
Deep rooted limited beliefs is the most common reason why people find manifesting difficult.
- "Things don't appear from thin air, I have to work for what I want"
- "Manifesting takes too much time"
- "I don't deserve the things I want"
- "I'm not lucky enough"
Manifesting the WRONG Way
Going big without starting small will take longer or might not happen at all!
- Starting with the big house, the fancy car, the piles of cash
- Thinking about how the money, house, car will come to you will create obsessive behavior
- Not believing which ultimately results in feelings of doubt, anxiety, impatience
Manifesting the Simple and Easy Way
Simple and effective ways to begin to manifest things in your life.
- Start Happy. Be in a positive mood.
- Start Small, think of something that won't create a huge impact in your life, more of a tiny ripple
- Visualize it.
- Explore how it makes you feel; happy, joyful, fulfilled.
- Stay positive, and let it be.
You can read Simona's full article, here.
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